Motto: Figure It Out!

Who We Are

FIRST Team 3667, the Mecanum Knights, is a combined team of students from cross-town rivals Port Huron High and Port Huron Northern. We also have a select number of middle-school junior team members.

Our team works from its shop and programming lab at the Harrison Center in Port Huron. The Harrison Center is located midway between our schools at 55 15th St.



Port Huron High, home of the Big Reds, is the city's oldest high school, having opened its doors in 1868. The school has been relocated several times in its long history, landing at its current home at 2215 Court St. in 1957. Today, nearly 1,400 students pass through its halls daily (Port Huron High School Website).

PHHN Pano.jpg

Port Huron Northern opened its doors in 1964 at 1799 Krafft Road. The home of the Huskies, the school's student population is about 1,350 (Port Huron Northern Website).

Team 3667 Achievements

2024-2025 Season

  • Helped pack and distribute bags for the Salvation Army Angel Tree Campaign

  • Registered for Kettering #2 and Woodhaven District Events

  • Participated in Kettering Kickoff at Kettering University. FInished qualification matches ranked 39th.

  • Registered for off season event Kettering Kickoff #2

  • Participated in Immaculate Conception Family Festival with other Blue Water Area Robotics ALliance teams to promote STEM and FIRST Robotics in the Blue Water Area.

  • Participated in the Port Huron Yacht Club Clean Up event, July 2023

2023-2024 Season

  • Participated at the Selfridge Open House & Air Show- Innovation Focused: STEAM Driven

  • Mentored FLL Team #57157 the Scout-Bots at Indian Woods Elementary

  • Participated in FIM District Macomb Event. Finished qualification matches ranked 21 with a 7-8-1 record. Competed in the playogffs as the 2nd pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in Round 4 of the Semi Finals. Won the Team Spirit Award.

  • Participated in FIM DIstrict Kettering University #2 Event. Finished qualification matches ranked 9th with a record of 8-6-0. Competed as the Captain of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in Round 2 of the Semifinals. Won the Imagery Award in Honor of Jack Kamen.

  • Helped pack and distribute bags for the Salvation Army Angel Tree Campaign

  • Mentored FTC Team #22602, Cyber Cougars at Central Middle School

  • Presented and ran FRC robot demonstration at Garfield Elementary School for 4th and 5th grade classes.

  • Registered for Kettering #2 and Macomb FIM DIstrict Events.

  • Participated in Kettering Kickoff #2 at Kettering University. Finished Qualification matches ranked 14th. Played in Match 5 of the semifinals with Team 2337 Enginerds and Team 1684 Chimeras.

  • Registered for offseason event Kettering Kickoff #2 at Kettering University.

  • Participated in the Immaculate Conception Family Festival with other Blue Water Area Robotics Alliance teams to promote STEM and FIRST Robotics in the Blue Water Area.

  • Participated in Port Huron Yacht Club Clean Up event, July 2023

2022-2023 Season

  • Visited Port Huron Northern Engineering classes with season 2022-23 robot and team members to recruit new students for team.

  • Participation, presentation and demonstration of the FRC Robotics program and Team 3667 at the Roosevelt Elementary School PBIS Positive Behavior Reward Assembly.

  • Participated in FIM District Kettering University Event #2 presented by FORD. FInished qualification matches ranked 11th with a record of 12-6-0. Chosen by the 6th seed alliance to compete in the Semifinals. Went undefeated in matches through bracket play but lost in the Finals to the 4th seed team to end up a District Event Finalist.

  • Participated in FIM District Belleville Event presented by Belleville Yacht Club. Finished qualification matches with a record of 6-10-0 and ranked 31st. Chosen by the 4th seed alliance to compete in the Semifinals.

  • Participated in FIRST Robotics Michigan State Championship event at Saginaw Valley State University where we competed on the APTIV Field. We finished qualification matches with a rank of 36th.

  • Registered for FIM District Kettering University Event #2 and FIM Belleville Event

  • Participated in Port Huron Yacht Club Clean Up event, July 2022

2021-2022 Season

  • Participated in the FIRST Robotics Michigan State Championship event at Saginaw Valley State University where we competed on the Ford Field. We finished qualification matches ranked 37th out of the 40 teams on our field.

  • Participated in FIM District Macomb Community College Event presented by DTE Foundation. Finished qualification matches with a record of 3-9. Chosen by the 1st seed alliance to enter the quarterfinals. Finished the event as the District Event Winner with a record of 9-9-0. Also won the Imagery Award in Honor of Jack Kamen.

  • Participated in FIM District Kettering #2 Event. Finished qualification matches with a record of 9-3 and ranked 4th. Entered the quarterfinals as part of the 3rd seed alliance but ended up being eliminated. Won the Entrepreneurship Award.

  • Registered for FIM District Kettering University Event #2 and FIM District Macomb Community College Event

  • Participated in Port Huron Yacht Club Clean-Up Event, July 2021

2020-2021 Season

  • Participated in the INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge Event- Zirconium Group. The team competed in both the Hyper Driver and Power Port Skilled Awards Competition and were ranked 19th. We also competed for the Engineering Award and the Quality Award in the Judged Awards Competition, April 2021

  • Assembled and delivered “Thank You” Bags for our local Hometown Healthcare Heros to show our appreciation for their tireless efforts during the Covid-19 Pandemic, April 2021

  • Held a Virtual Open House on Facebook Live to showcase our team and buildspace in a safe way due to Covid-19 restrictions, March 2021.

  • Sorted toys for local children in need Salvation Army Christmas campaign, Dec. 2020

  • Helped to organize Christmas Bags for distribution to families in need at local Salvation Army, Dec. 2020

  • Registered for INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge Event

  • Participated in Port Huron Yacht Club Clean-Up event, July 2020

  • Participated in Be a Tourist In Your Own Town Event, June 2020

2019-2020 Season

  • Unable to compete in 2nd FIM District Event, Marysville, due to Covid-19 shutdown. Remainder of season cancelled due to Covid-19, April 2020

  • Participated in FIRST District Kettering University #2 Event. Finished qualification matches ranked 12th with a 7-7-0 record and made it to the elimination rounds but we were eliminated in the quarterfinals. Won the Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson, March 2020

  • Sorted toys for local children in need Salvation Army Christmas campaign, Dec. 2019

  • Helped to organize Christmas Bags for distribution to families in need at local Salvation Army, Dec. 2019

  • Participated in ringing bells for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Christmas Campaign at Birchwood Mall, December 2019

  • Hosted Community Partner event for area businesses and organizations that provide ongoing support to our team, November 2019

  • Mentored and helped with programming and spreading the FIRST message with Rookie FLL Team #46583 and Rookie FLL Team #49705 during 2019-20 season

  • Registered to compete in Kettering University #2 and Marysville Regional Events

  • Mentored and helped with programming and spreading the FIRST message with FLL Team #43796 during 2019-20 season

  • Participated in Kettering Kickoff, Sept. 2019. Advanced to the elimination rounds and were a part of the #6 seeded alliance. Eliminated in the quarterfinals.

  • Participated in Be a Tourist in Your Own Town event, June 2019

  • Participated in Blue Water International Rotary Parade, July 2019

  • Participated in Port Huron Yacht Club clean-up event, July 2019

  • Participated in 4th Annual Mainstreet Memories Car Show, August 2019

  • Designed and built a laser refraction exhibit for the Port Huron Museum, June-August 2019

  • Held 2nd Annual Bot Walk on the Boardwalk, Community Outreach and Recruiting event, August 2019

  • Registered for Kettering Kickoff 2019, Sept. 2019

2018-2019 Season

  • Participated in the Be a Tourist in Your Own town event, June 2018

  • Participated in the Blue Water International Rotary Parade, July 2018

  • Participated at Maker Faire, Detroit, July 2018

  • Participated in Port Huron Yacht Club clean-up event, July 2018

  • Hosted Bot Walk on the Boardwalk, Community Outreach and Recruiting Event, August 2018

  • Participated in Kettering Kickoff 2018. Finished qualification rounds ranked seventh and were eliminated in the quarterfinals. Winner of the Kettering Cares Award

  • Hosted Community Partner event for area businesses and organizations that provide ongoing support to our team

  • Hosted Training Trax skill building sessions for students and mentors in CAD, Electrical, Safety and Engineering, News Media, Build and Design, Oct/Nov 2018

  • Sorted toys for local children in need Salvation Army Christmas campaign, Dec. 2018

  • Helped to organize Christmas Bags for distribution to families in need at local Salvation Army, Dec. 2018

  • Presented to Blue Water Area Kiwanis Organization, Dec. 2018

  • Mentored and helped with programming and spreading the FIRST message with rookie FLL Team #43796 during 2018-19 season

  • Mentored and helped rookie FLL Jr. Team #17965 during 2018-19 season

  • Participated in the FIRST Kettering 2 District event. We were ranked as the #2 seed going into alliance selections with a 10-2-0 record. We entered the quarterfinals as the 2nd seed Captain of our alliance with Teams 494 and 6093. Our alliance was the Kettering 2 District winner and we also were awarded the Entrepreneurship Award and the Safety Award.

  • Participated in the FIRST Marysville District event. At the end of qualification matches we had a 6-6-0 record and were ranked 19th our of the 40 teams at the event. We were selected as the 1st round pick by the #7 seed captain to compete on an alliance with Teams 4779 and 5860. We did end up being eliminated in Quarterfinal play by the #2 seeded alliance. We were also presented the Judges Award.

  • Designed competition event shirts for rookie FLL and FLL Jr. teams, April 2019

  • Participated in the FIRST Robotics Michigan State Championship event at Saginaw Valley State University where we competed on the Ford Field. We finished qualification matches ranked #2 out of the 40 teams on our field with a 10-1-1 record and most overall wins. We were the #2 seeded alliance captain with our alliance partners Team 494 and Team 3534 and swept the quarterfinals but ended up losing in the semi-finals. We were ranked 21st out of the 539 Michigan teams and also won the Safety Award.

  • Participated in the FIRST Robotics World Championship at Cobo Hall in Detroit where we competed on the Darwin Field. After Day 1 competition we were ranked 4th with a 4-1 record on our field. Day 2 gave us a few more losses but still held a winning record of 3-2. We ended the World Competition with a 7-3 overall win loss record and ranked 17th on our field of 68 teams.

  • Presented to Women’s Life Chapter #830, May 2019

  • Hosted a Michigan Kids on the Move build day at our build space where our team was able to build and modify two Power Wheels cars to be used for physically challenged kids, May 2019

  • Participated in FLL Parent Open House and Expo demonstration night, May 2019

2017-2018 Season

  • Participated in Salvation Army Christmas gift packing for kids in need, December 2017

  • Participated in the Blue Water Rotary International Parade, July 2018

  • Participated in Capac High School Team 2604’s build for MiKids on the Move, May 2018

  • Participated in the FIRST Robotics World Championship at Cobo Hall in Detroit, where we competed on the Tesla Field. Finished Worlds in the elimination rounds ending Worlds ranked 11th of the 67 teams on the Tesla Field

  • Participated in the FIRST Robotics Michigan State Championship Event at Saginaw Valley State University where we competed on the Consumer’s Energy Field. Finished qualification rounds ranked 38th, and were selected for elimination rounds by Teams 1718 and 494. Ended elimination rounds District Champion Finalist and winner of Entrepreneurship and Safety awards for the Consumer’s Energy Field. Survived the Snurricane of 2018.

  • Participated in the Marysville District Event, seventh seed alliance captain but accepted first-pick invitation from fifth seed; lost to first seed in the semifinals; won Entrepreneurship and Safety awards

  • Presented to the Port Huron Kiwanis morning group

  • Participated in the Kettering II District Event through the quarterfinals; won Safety and Chairman's awards

  • Hosted Cub Scout Troop 135 for a look at FRC

  • Hosted Fort Gratiot Strong robotics students and their parents for a look at FRC

  • Provided programming support for FRC Team 4779, the RoboSapiens

  • Helped to organize Christmas bags for distribution to families in need at our local Salvation Army

  • Hosted the first Blue Water Area Robotics Alliance/Michigan Kids on the Move build to modify Power Wheels cars to meet the therapeutic needs of special-needs kids (together we modified six cars and will continue this effort when the 2018 build and competition season ends)

  • Registered to compete in the Kettering 2 and Marysville 2018 district events

  • Hosted a community partner event for the area businesses and organizations that provide ongoing support to our team

  • Redesigned T-shirts for our ongoing "Be Knightly" campaign

  • Provided mentoring support and an event volunteer for FTC Team 9861, the Cavalier Cougars

2016-17 Season

  • Participated in the Henry Ford Maker Faire

  • Participated in the Blue Water Area Rotary Parade, 2017

  • Participated in Be a Tourist in Your Own Town event, 2017

  • Developed summer robotics program designed to let students run their own projects.

  • Helped to plant seedlings at the community garden hosted by Washington School Restoration and Storage

  • Participated in the Port Huron Beautification Commission's planting of the flower beds at Lincoln Park

  • Seventh-seed alliance captain, Kettering 2 District Event, 2017

  • Developed "Be Knightly" campaign designed to change culture within our school district

  • Presented to STEM after-school club at Thomas Edison Elementary School, March 2017

  • Presented to Fort Gratiot Middle School science students, March 2017

  • Achieved long-sought-after addition of engineering and advanced science classes to high school curriculum, beginning fall 2017

  • Registered to participate in the Kettering 2 and Marysville district events, 2017

  • Exhibited at the St. Clair County Community College 21st Century STEM Conference, October 2016,
    and provided hands-on activities for kids

  • Exhibited at Barnes & Noble MIni-Maker Faire, November, 2016, and provided hands-on activities for kids

  • Provided programming support and training to Blue Water Area Robotics Alliance teams, Fall 2016

  • Presented along with Marysville High School FRC Team 5167, Vi-Bots, at the December meeting of the Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County/Eastern Michigan Manufacturer's Association

  • Presented to Women's Life Chapter 830

  • Presented to Kiwanas Club of the Blue Water Area morning group

  • Provided Safety Training for Blue Water Area Robotics Alliance teams

  • Provide mentoring support to Michigamme Elementary FLL Team 22102, The Royal Pages

  • Hosted Yale High School Rookie Team, FRC 6344, the Jiggawattz, for FIRST Robotics team fundamentals guidance

  • Ongoing participation in the Blue Water Area Robotics Alliance

2015-16 Season

  • Fourth-seed Alliance Captains, Waterford District Event, March 4 and 5; semifinalist

  • Participated in the 21st Century Learning Symposium, Port Huron High School, August 2015

  • Exhibited at the St. Clair County Community College 21st Century STEM Conference, October 2015,
    and provided hands-on activities for kids

  • Exhibited at Barnes & Noble MIni-Maker Faire, November, 2015, and provided hands-on activities for kids

  • Received Solidworks training courtesy of BTM Corp., Marysville, November and December 2015

  • Mentored FTC Team 9861, Central Middle School Cavalier Cougars, Fall 2015

  • Constructed a cart from extruded aluminum for FTC 9861's robot, Fall 2015

  • Mentored FLL Team 22102, Michigamme Elementary Royal Pages, Fall 2015

  • Registered to participate in the Waterford and Marysville District Events, 2016

  • Hosted Cub Scout Pack 135 from the Masonic Lodge in Port Huron, May 2016

  • Created a "Vote Yes" video in support of the Port Huron Schools bond initiative

  • Created and wore our "Vote Yes" buttons in support of the Port Huron Schools bond initiative

  • Marched in the 2016 Blue Water Area Rotary Parade

  • Participated in the 2016 Henry Ford Museum Maker Faire

  • Ran Summer 2016 Vex Robotics Program

  • Ongoing participation in the Blue Water Area Robotics Alliance

  • Awards: Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation, Waterford District Event, 2016

2014-15 Season

  • Registered to participate in the Lansing District Event, Mason High School

  • Participated in the Southfield High School District Event

  • Hosted Cardinal Mooney Team 4779, the RopoSapiens, for Recycle Rush practice

  • Exhibited at SC4 STEM Conference, October, 2014

  • Presented at the 21st Century Symposium, Marysville High School, August 2014

  • Participated in Kate's Downtown STEM Party, April 2015

  • Presented to Mrs. Gaglio's first-grade class, Spring 2015

  • Marched in the 2015 Blue Water Rotary Parade with our BWARA friends the Marysville Vi-Bots and Capac Metal And Soul

  • Participated in 2015 Maker Faire, Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, July 2015

  • Ran Summer 2015 Vex Robotics Program of four Vex teams all of which participated in two Vex events

2013-2014 Season

  • Exhibited at the St. Clair County 4-H Fair in Goodells, MI, July 2014

  • Participated at the Blue Water International Rotary Parade, July 2014

  • Participated at Marysville Days, June 2014

  • Facilitated organization of BWARA, the Blue Water Area Robotics Alliance

  • Presented at Kimball Elementary School, June 2014

  • Qualified for and participated in the Michigan FRC State Championship and finished season ranked 36th out of Michigan's 278 teams

  • Registered for Center Line, and Lansing District Events

  • Hosted rookie Team 5155, The Bearcats from Ubly, January 2014

  • Presented to Blue Water Parrot Head Club, February 2014

  • Presented to Alpha Zeta chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society, March 2014

  • Hosted Team 4779, The RoboSapiens in a pre-game conference and testing, February 2014

  • Awards: 2014 District Champion, Center Line District Event; Imagery and Industrial Safety awards, Center Line District Event, Lansing District Event; Industrial Safety award.

2012-2013 Season

  • Participated in Indian Woods Elementary's Robot Carnival, Fall 2012

  • District Finalists Kettering University, March 2013

  • Participated in Port Huron Museum's Computers and History Event, March 2013

  • Participated in Grand Blanc District Event, March 2013 where we won the "Safety Runner-Up Award"

  • Presented to Port Huron Northern and Port Huron High schools, May 2013

  • Presented to Elementary School students at Roosevelt, Garfield, and Woodrow Wilson schools, Spring 2013

  • Marched in the Blue Water Rotary International Parade, July 2013

  • Exhibited for two days at the St. Clair County 4H Fair at Goodells County Park, July 2013

  • Participated at Kettering Kickoff, September 2013

  • Presented at St. Clair County Community College STEM Conference, October, 2013

  • Presented to Elementary Schools students at Kimball Elementary School, December, 2013

  • Awards: District Finalist, Kettering District Event 2013

2011-2012 Season

  • Presented to students at the Red Zone 21st Century Community Learning Center at Port Huron High School.

  • Presented at Port Huron Schools' Board Meeting.

  • Participated in the Blue Water Rotary International Parade, July 2012.

  • Participated in a tour of and hands-on experience with Port Huron Hospital's da Vinci Si Surgical Robot. The da Vinci robot performs surgeries in general surgery, gynecology and urology.

  • Named Port Huron Hospital's da Vinci robot "Micro-Angelo."

  • Awards: Troy District, Team Spirit Award. See award commentary.

2010-2011 Season

  • Presented at two separate Port Huron Schools' board meetings (one mid-season, one post-season).

  • Sent team members to spread the FIRST Message for a day in science classes at Central Middle School, Holland Woods Middle School and Port Huron Northern High School.

  • Participated in the Blue Water Relay for Life and raised $3,000 in the fight against Breast Cancer.

  • Awards: Safety Award, Kettering Kick-off, Kettering University, Sept. 2011

Where We're From

Downtown Port Huron, MI Photo by KLMacke

Downtown Port Huron, MI Photo by KLMacke

Port Huron, Michigan, is the anchor of the Blue Water Area.  According to the 2011 U.S Census, there are about 29,928 people living here. It is home to the Blue Water Bridge, a twin-span bridge, that will take you across the St. Clair River to Canada. It is the second-busiest international crossing in North America with an average of 14,000 vehicles crossing daily (20,000 on a busy day).

While it retains its small-town charm, there are plenty of things for visitors to Port Huron to enjoy.  Our community features the standard amenities such as bowling at one of our many bowling allies, ice skating at at McMorran Ice Arena or Glacier Point, or catching a movie at one of our three theaters. We also our blessed with beautiful shorelines, public boat launches and beaches, bountiful fishing and beautiful parks. Bicycle enthusiasts can ride along the Bridge-to-Bay Trail and campers can enjoy the State Park located just up M-25 in Lakeport. History buffs would appreciate that we are home to Michigan's oldest (and newly restored) lighthouse (About the Fort Gratiot Lighthouse), as well as the childhood home of Thomas Edison.  A museum in Edison's honor is located at the foot of the Blue Water Bridge, which, by the way, is not far from the location on which the famous inventor's home stood.

Outdoor Classroom Port Huron, MI

Outdoor Classroom Port Huron, MI

Desmond Landing offers year-round beauty. Visitors can enjoy a view of the bridge from outdoor seating featuring the warmth of a cozy fireplace or from the inside the comfort of the Great Lakes Maritime Center. For the more adventurous, there is the Blue Water River Walk, which features a newly restored shoreline, an outdoor classroom, a ferry dock, a nearly mile-long pedestrian walk, and public art. From the Maritime Center to the Bean Dock this waterfront treasure was the vision of the folks at Acheson Ventures, LLC. and the Community Foundation of St. Clair County. Acheson Ventures is the land development group started by Dr. James C. Acheson, grandson of renowned inventor, Dr. Edward Goodrich Acheson. Among the senior Acheson's claims to fame are more than 150 patents for engineering and chemical processes (* 

Recent updates to the Desmond Landing property were completed with a Community Foundation grant of $250,000 from the U.S.  Fish and Wildlife Service and a grant of $2,000,000 through NOAA and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI).

The river walk also features a recently completed 2.5-acre county park that has been restored to natural wetlands. The park is a cooperative effort of the Foundation and The St. Clair County Parks and Recreation Commission. A $1,039,500 grant from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation and a Community Foundation grant to for concrete removal and site preparation made the wetlands restoration possible.

Lakeside Park to the north also is the site of many improvements including new restrooms and showers, a splash pad, new concessions and handicap accessibility to the beach.

Boating enthusiasts from all over regularly visit the Maritime Center,  where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, view the ships and boats as they navigate the St. Clair River, or participate in any number of events (Acheson Ventures Website).  Last summer, Desmond Landing hosted the annual Blue Water Festival and every summer, it is home to our city's only Farmers Market. And since we're on the topic of boating, it's important to note that Port Huron is the site of the annual Bayview Port Huron-to-Mackinac sailboat race, which takes place in July. Desmond Landing is the perfect spot from which to view the parade of boats that depart the Black River for the race's start.

Port Huron also is well known among hockey and softball fans as it hosts the annual youth hockey Silver Stick Championships and the annual Men's Modified Softball Championship.

Downtown, Huron Avenue now boasts a nice selection of restaurants including Irish fare served up at Lynch's Irish Tavern, barbecue at Fuel and traditional grill fare at the recently opened  Tio Gordos. Visitors seeking a more unique experience can enjoy a beautiful view from rooftop seating at The Vintage Tavern and further up Huron Avenue, outdoor seating featuring bocce ball at Casey's Pizza. Daytime visitors don't want to miss coffee and the organic fare served up at Kate's Downtown. South of the Military Street Bridge reside the unique coffee experiences of the Exquisite Corpse and The Raven Cafe. And of course our city is home to longstanding restaurants such as Cavis Grill, Powers Hamburgers and Mama Vicki's Coney Island.

Just north of Port Huron Northern, you will can find a variety of big-box shopping sites and enjoy a meal at any number of restaurants.  You will find our "little town" rich with history and natural beauty.

*The James C. Acheson Foundation has been an ongoing supporter of the Port Huron Schools' FIRST Robotics program.